Quran vs. Bible Length

A simple graph that displays the word-count data listed in the section below. How long is the Quran compared to the Bible?

At around 157,935 words, The Quran is significantly shorter than the Bible, which in it's full length comes to about 783,137 words. However, the length of the Quran IS comparable to the New Testament which is just a bit shorter at around 138,020 words. If you were interested in getting introduced to both Christianity and Islam's sacred texts you could do so with a similar time investment if you were willing to leave out the Old Testament (which could be considered reasonable by some christians, at least at first).

As someone who grew up studying the Bible and who only read the Quran for the first time recently, I was surprised at how much shorter the Quran is! On first glance, it might be easy for someone less familiar with the two holy books to lump them together in some ways given their shared abrahamic roots. Though it is true that they share some common DNA, their social contexts, goals, and the method in which they were written/compiled vary in some pretty large ways! So perhaps it should have been less surprising to discover than it was.

Thank you for reading!

You can download a .png file version of this chart here.

I sourced the data for this chart from these sites:

